Roleplayer's Rantings

Thoughts, views, opinions and shouts of a role-player. Here are also the work and results of the role-playing experience.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Roleplayer's Rantings - End or Metamorphosis?

Yes. Roleplayer's Rantings would be cease to get updated in the present form.

I think I should draw an end to this particular blog, as it seems quite lean on its own. I have moved couple of important posts from this blog to the new one, Splat! This blog (Roleplayer's Rantings) as such would remain here, as long as chooses it to be here, but there would be no more updates here.

The reason for the shift of host, is that, I can categorize my posts to a blog more finely at BlogCharm. The future posts peratining to Roleplayer's Rantings, you need to go to: So, visit the link and bookmark it!