Roleplayer's Rantings

Thoughts, views, opinions and shouts of a role-player. Here are also the work and results of the role-playing experience.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


  1. A short prose tale often characterized by moral teaching or satire.
  2. A short novel.
It was quite a while back, and when I was engrossed in the role-playing realm of Chaos And Order, that I stumbled into this concept. A novel or a novella based on the realm of Chaos And Order was planned from the very beginning when it was born out of the creative minds of my friend and myself. But I had not warranted that it would turn up that early.

About a month back, the plot for the first novella based on Chaos And Order was designed and was left at that point itself because of the great activity found at the role-playing forums. Now, the forum is vacant for the most part of it, except for one player character who almost ritualistically role-plays and is always there on the other side of the thread to post her part.

That being said, I assume, I have nothing much to do on this(role-play) front, and I should begin to flesh out that plot into a novel. As for this blog, I assume that most of the ranting here for sometime would be on that novella in the making.